{This was an original story posted on YMNA2 in 2006}
I have not read all the stories yet but thought I would post a few comments of my own.
As a kid I often heard the comment that a boys body has to breath, along with one of my Dads that there are only two models, your either a Ford or Chev, with different trim levels. Nudity was not something that was really talked about yet my brother and I would get ready for bed when we were younger after supper and instead of putting on pj's like most kid we just stripped. We would then run around until we were put into bed naked. As the younger of the two I cannot remember ever wearing anything in bed, (and this includes sleep over with friends of all ages)I think I went from wearing a diaper to sleeping nude.
My parents were also very casual with nudity. I should also mention that I grew up after the age of 8 in a rural area where everyone seemed to have either a sauna or steambath and sometimes both. I
cannot remember visiting one family that every wore clothing in them.
Although I had no sisters as boys we accepted the fact that girls over a certain age had periods and boys of all ages got hard-ons. Both were considered nothing to get excited about, they were just the facts of life.
When we lived in the city I swam at the Y during the winter and, of course, at that time all boys swam naked it was one of the policies.
Frequently when we lived in the city and later when on holidays we would go to what would later become a well known nudist beach during the hippy era. When we moved to the country as boys skinny dipping was the norm and often did include girls.
I mentioned once before on a group that most teenage boys had seen their girlfriends naked long before they ever dated of course that was true also for the girls. As a gay male that always knew he was gay long before I ever knew what it even meant I always liked seeing the other guys naked.
When we first entered Jr. high school getting a hard-on while showering was just considered normal. I can say that every kid in my homeroom, we were divided by sex until grade 12, I had seen hard. In later years there was a few guys that had moved into the school I may not had seen completely hard but they were the exception.
Today I cannot understand why everyone is so uptight about nudity. I actually believe a lot of the problems we have with bullying, calling someone gay etc has its roots in the super modest attitude kids have. All guys have a desire to see what the other guy looks like and it does not make any difference if you are gay or straight. It is just a natural curiosity. How does the guy hang, is he cut or
not, just a general curiosity of what does he have under those baggy pants and boxers that make all boys look completely sexless.
I would like to point out that for the last two summers at a lake I spend a few months hanging around and fishing during the summer that a family has spent a good month at both years. Both their boys are
completely at ease walking around naked. I put them the first year at 12 and 14. For us retired folks that make up most of the population of campers or RVs we accept it with no problem.
The first year there was a younger family and they seemed to be a little uptight at first but seemed to accept it after a couple of days and their two boys soon joined in. It is nice for me to see kids accepting the ways of the older generation. Myself and a couple of other retired guys that still like to go skinny dipping these kids join right in with us with what it should be a completely natural thing.
As my Dad said when I was a kid, there are only two models, you are either one or the other, with a few trim differences, so what is the big deal?
Oldman -- Been there done that. --