Friday, January 16, 2015

Jap Boy or Nippon Danshi - J-boi - Male and sexy in Land of the Rising Sun (Nihon)

Note: I found this link and blogged it for my own 'pleasure' Male and sexy so it has nothing much to do with this posting, I just don't want to lose it.

J-Boy -- Admiring Japanese gay porn and being PC is this a contradiction or not.

I lived for years and still often travel for work in Japan (among many other places) - if you follow my blog (or check the previous entries, it will no doubt be evident. While I am not japaphillic or 'rice queen' (or a Japan maniac or more properly termed Japanophile), it does figure large in my consciousness because it occupied and still does much of my life's journey.

[ The above photo is one of the author of this blog:  sunbuns  /sunbuns99  / sunbunz (at) gmail, taken while on vacation on The Big Island of Hawaii at Beach 67 (in South Kohala). ]

Recently on the JUB Blog, there was some discussion about the use (pro-con) fo the word: 'Jap boy'. So most of what I wrote here is part of the discussion and in response and by way of 'illuminating' it with my own experience, and my own knowledge of Japanese culture and sensibilties (and not only homerotic ones).

The j-boi porn (selected pics) and that discussion can be seen at:

I don't there you'll totally convince some people that it IS or isn't PC -- so (in the
future) maybe you can try out some these -- perhaps equally attractive/exotic - which might be less pc-allergenic (my own coined phrase to describe this type of betwist and between 'semantic' debate.

1. Jap. Boi (the period connotes an abbreviation)

2. Japan Boyz (easy to say that Japanese)

3. J-boya , J-boyatachi (adding 'tachi' makes it plural - i.e. - boys/bois/boyz/boys to men)

a) 'J' is used in Japan like 'e', or 'i' is used for e-mail and ipod It denotes a new cultural norm. So in Japan now, the J League (without the hyphens/spaces) means the Japanese Professional Soccer League(s). J-pop is Japanses popular music (especially for the younger generation) -- Get it? So j-boys or Jboys or J Boyz would not or should offend but is actually in vogue (fashion - trendy ('to-ren-dee')- as the Japanese say.

b. boya (and its various variations) is areal Japanese word.'boya' or 'botchan' 'botchama' are real Japanese terms (not slang but not formal vocabulary either) for a type of young man or boy - typically he's well-healed, a bit pampered,
-- I think "dandy" might be the closest word related to it in English usage.
Some hypercritical may say it connotes a too young image (a small male child) for this channel (JUB) but that is not the case - and there is a different type of language 'police' in Japan anyway. -- Refuting the use of "boya" is would be like prohibiting gays from saying 'I like that boy' - for fear that he's revealing himself as a pederast (sex abusing child molester) -- like duh!

4. Nippon Danshi Otoko / Kare / Kareshi
a. Nippon or Nihon (both are used) are the real Japanese for their own country. So that was the origin of the formerly perjorative word, 'nip' - but in the case of Kinniku (muscle) Boys in the video shots -- it seems to be true in both senses: Nipple nippers -- Nip Nip Nippon! Get ON the nips !.
b. Danshi / Otoko / Kare / Kareshi are Japanese for male, man, he(him)/ my 'he'(meaning 'my boyfriend') and would connote a Japanese male (not necessarily a gay one, of course).

5. 'Ni' comes from Japanese character for SUN -- since the Chinese were the ones who named it island country to their east -- Land of the Rising Sun (or the Origin of the Sun - that is what NIPPON or NIHON means. (These are actually Chinese brought their 'kanji' - the character writing system) to Japan when Buddhist missionaries came to the islands to spread their religion.
So 'Nikkei' (or some variations on this) would also work as PC-neutral words to describe hot men from Japan or men who are ethnically Japanese in origin. 'Nikkei' --means Ethnic Japanese (related ethnically to Japan). For example, 'nisei or nissei' are used to mean second-generation (Japanese origin emigrants (such as Hawaiian and Brazilian Japanese - some of whose families have lived in the places for nearly a 100 years).

'Nichi' has some similarity -- it sort of like Sino-Soviet (Sino - means China\Chinese) -- in the same way, 'nichi' means Japanese, or related to Japan. Japan-American relations is translated: nichibei (Bei is 'rice' - The Chinese named their own country the CENTRAL COUNTRY and the name the US (the RICE country) -- which is much better than BUSH COUNTRY although I guess it is C.RICE country in a matter of speaking if we remember who is the "face" of America to foreign nations (i.e. Condoleeza).

So nichiboi could work, right?

Hey, I could on but I'd better stop already since nobody but other editors (or writers, Japanophiles) probably give a damn.

However, whatever we call them, men who like male-to-male sex in Japan can be HOT!
I was just in the glorious company last night of a beautiful, masculine Japanese male who really enjoyed getting his ass split wide ('wari-ketsu' - Japanese for buttfucking). It was anonymous sex at one of the local Tokyo bathhouses -- I was enamored at first sight - -trailed him for about 1 hour (and he me) until finally we both scored in the huge bunk room. Man, did he take it like one! This is not bragging - it was just a dream or dream cum true! Obviously, this pic is NOT me and him - he looks a hell of a lot better and was not crimacing in pain but was really enjoying the experience of getting his tailbone polished -- from the inside! It was a hot night on ol' Tokyo town last night since we were igniting the futons.
(Photos are used gratuit here atsfree advertisement for their producers)

Mata ne...   

Kelly (sunbuns99 - JUB)

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