When cute college student Will gets accepted into a prestigious study abroad program, he thinks he's finished with the hard part. His fellow entry and he need to get a medial exam from the campus doctor. But standing in his way is one last requirement - a physical from the campus doctor - and Dr. Stevens isn't letting him go without first giving him a very thorough examination. So he and his fellow applicant go to visit Dr. Stevens, who finds them intriguing male specimens.
He is the father of three children and as he has not had a complete physical in over 10 years, new patient Lance Bennett is way overdue. Questioning about his current lifestyle, it becomes painfully obvious that he has neglected his own medical needs in favor of his family; he is the father of three children. He has been married and faithful to the same woman and now only uses condoms for protection from procreation. Suggesting he strip down to his underwear, I have him mount the exam table when he is ready.
Lance admitted to being both a social drinking and a cigarette smoker when he drinks so I was prepared for a bit higher than normal blood pressure and in that regard, I was not disappointed. However, I did not detect any breathing irregularities and his extremities responded most favorably upon examination. I am speaking of his penis, for as I pulled open his briefs to check the femoral pulse, he quickly became aroused. Confined within the tight space of his briefs, I suggested that he might remove them before I continued further.
As I palpated his penis, he quickly became fully aroused and his penis was actually bouncing up and down like the diving board at the community swimming pool. I further examined his erection while he stood at the end of the exam table for his hernia check.
Positioned onto his hands and knees, Lance received his first prostate examination and judging by the soft moans from the patient, it was a pleasurable encounter, which prompted me to insert a second finger into his rectum to explore the body cavity further.
Removing my fingers, I reached into the exam table and retrieved the anoscope as this was a perfect opportunity to examine his rectum deeper. At each procedure, Lance was docile and permitted me to perform any procedure that I deemed appropriate. As he responded well to the prostate stimulation, I lubricated a butt plug to provided sustained pressure onto his prostate to assist him as he produced a shattering semen specimen moments later.
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