Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Nature of porn blogging: Consider your audience

Starting a blog is an idea that always excites a budding or would-be writer. We all have that basic urge to leave our thoughts inscribed somewhere for posterity, an instinct akin to the one that also drives the sexual libido - at least in part, - the primordial necessity to procreate.

Having an audience of any kind is of paramount importance as a writer whether newbie, old-timer, or one who is still craving the 'writer's experience' -- even if the audience is only one member - the blogger himself. Several commenters and other bloggers have mentioned that they write first and foremost for themselves, and often solely of themselves.
I think keeping up a blog – regularly enough to create a following audience - may very well depend on getting some kind of audience initially, or even just the possibility that afew people actually can find and are reading it.

For the dozen or so blogs, in my case [ if you can actually call them that], I use Blogger (Google's Blogspot domain), and just as frequently I also use Tribe.net, JustUsBoys.com and Tumblr. I have stopped using Typepad and Wordpress because they do not allow pornographic material but they are useful, too. Wordpress hosted on the company's own servers does not allow pornographic material.

I actually think of those blogs as either my memory banks (places to store stuff I want to retrieve later, or 'semen deposits' - places where I store photos, stories and stuff that excited me when I saw it.  Consequently, not ever so-called blog post is even text or image intended for a real audience.
However, some people are definitely only likely to continue writing if they can get some type of feedback about their efforts and the content (albeit self-focused stories).

Therefore , I recommend that first time bloggers start out by making blog-type posts inside another social networking site (Not Facebook!). Even Xtube has a blog function, also Tribe.net is a good place to get a few people to notice and comment on your blogs -- whether they be literary narratives, simple diaries, opinionated essays, or just sharing a sexual adventure or new realization about life, or something interesting or attractive you've found in the real world or the virtual one, and even the odd rant or rage sometime. JustUsboys.com is also a widely known porn site but allows members to interact in forums and create a blog.

Tribe.net was actually the original Facebook -- at least conceptually, and it still has a great following of alternative eggheads and potheads, along with some other truly great people, some of whom also write. It is mainly composed of many sexually liberated people who freely mix explicit sexual content along with their contemporary sentiments and sensibilities in our chaotic world(s)... Smile. I sometimes have the notion that not everyone on Tribe is from the planet Earth, me included (sly grin). Perhaps others can name some other (similar or not) places where newbie bloggers can find a niche and a sympathetic audience (sometimes by default).

I've said it often to my (imaginary) readers, and privately to dozen of non-blogging members of those sites above:

The best way to write is find a topic that you care about and then respond. From that response may come the crystal of a idea that can easily turn into a valuable blog post. At least in your own mind, it will have value and be worth repeating, i.e, elsewhere. Sometimes, it a matter of self-confidence, and also a realization that real writers are never born, that just develop themselves into that self-definition, but are shaped by the nature of their work and the perceived feedback (enjoyment, useful, sympathy, empathy, and exhilaration (sexual and/or emotional) of their audience)

This comment (response to others' ideas) will now become the seed (or the whole peach) of a posting on one of my personal narrative blogs. I separate my blogs into different functions to serve my own dichotomies of thought and interests: sexual, social, political, emotional and spiritual. It's not necessary to do so, but I find that I tend to follow bloggers that stick to a theme instead of constantly changing from one mundane topic to another as if the events of life direct their consciousness, instead of the other way around.

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